MARIA PERRY With a focus on medical and professional office space, Maria has a personal connection to those she serves. Growing up in a family of business owners and healthcare providers being an advocate of both industries comes as second nature. Regarding properties, Maria keeps three things in mind:

•  Finding a space that matches your personality and business.
•  Finding a location well-suited and appealing to your unique clientele.
•  Securing your short and long-term financial success.

Maria thrives using her negotiating power, emotional intelligence, and real estate experience to help her clients prosper and grow. When working with Maria, you get a partner invested in your long-term success, dedicated to helping you take your business to the next level.

Maria leverages her broad network to locate properties best suited to your specialty, budget, and goals. With Maria, you get exclusive access to off-market properties, as well as connections to top financial advisors, attorneys, designers and contractors to help you create your ideal space.

Maria is the whole package: a driven go-getter adept at making deals, a natural real estate maven with a knack for finding the perfect space and a diligent mother with an understanding of how important the right environment is for creating happiness, efficiency, and success.

She offers a range of real estate leasing, sales, and representation services to buyers, tenants and landowners.
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